Managing personal and professional life can be hard sometimes. People of all ages go through difficult time if they don’t get the proper support from their partner to pursue their dreams. Some even give up their career and dreams to establish their conjugal life. But would youth of today’s generation be ready to compromise their dreams and aspiration for their partner? We talked to these young people to get their opinion on this matter.
How important is your partner’s opinion while making a career choice? Do you think it’s necessary to have their support? Would you give up your aspirations for partner’s
'Rato Tika Nidhar Ma' star knew at an early age he wanted to be...
Sushan Dhakal
A quintessential part for a good relationship is the balance between being a partner and being an individual. In a nurturing relationship, partners should take turns to lead the relationship wagon. Comproise and scarifice solidifies and strengthens relationship. When faced with difficult choices in making career decisions, individuals in relationship tend to struggle to articulate their needs and desires to their partners and choose relationship over personal aspirations and more often than not, end up regretting the decision all through their lives. I believe that people have the tendency to put blame about their unfulfilled career wishes on their relationships to shy away from the guilt of having not succeeded as an individual. For people in relationships, making career choices would be easier if they communicate well throughout the decision making process. I would happily talk to my partner to decide on a career choice and because I know she will help me truly understand if I want what I think I want and will help me make a better career choice; I would do the same for her if or when the time comes.
Asmita Sapkota
My partner’s decisions are quite important to me while making a career choice but only if it satisfies me. I would not blindly follow whatever he says, but I must be convinced that it will work well for both of us. In my case, I feel it is really necessary to have his support in whatever I do, he plays a great role in my life and I believe it’s the same for him. I would not give up on my dreams just to establish my personal life but I feel my better half would support and motivate me. I would do a little compromise and if your partner opposes and doesn’t accept your ambitions, the relationship would not last long because when you love someone, you love them for what they are and you would support them in what they do.
Suzu Tilija Poon
Program and Operations Associate
I truly believe in the saying of Confucius, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Hence it’s up to me to decide on a career that will make me happy and content, both mentally and financially. And yes my partner’s opinion is important but in the end I would want it to be me who decides what I want to do and for him to respect it. This is where his support comes in. Without partner’s trust or support, it would be a nightmare for anyone to juggle personal and professional life. I would never ever give up on my aspirations for my partner because if we are meant to be and if he genuinely loves me, he would not want me to compromise because I would do the same for him, also love should be unconditional.
Doma Sherpa
Media Secretary
I strongly believe on this fact that motivation from one’s partner lies on the trust that one sincerely has for the other partner. It necessarily bears a pleasant outcome for you to prosper in your career as with motivation, there comes guidance to make the right choices that ultimately leads to a sound outcome. I think giving up on your aspiration would shape an unhealthy relationship with your partner.
Dr. Indira Rana
After getting hitched, every decision between us is taken by discussing with each other. Since we will have to be there for each-other in every moment of life, our partner’s views, suggestions do play a pivotal role. I believe the love and support of partner encourages an individual to achieve the goals they have set. There might be certain situations where one might not agree with the other but it is the mutual understanding that helps each other grow. I reckon, since relationships are built upon love, support, understanding and trust, I think I would not have to give up on my aspirations of my life. I would want my partner to face twist and turns of life marching hand on hand, boosting each other and the bond.
Rajan Shrestha
Partner’s opinion is important while making a career choice; however, it’s not mandatory if your passion for career is right and insightful. It’s necessary to have partner’s support because in every fluctuations of life, your partner will always be struggling and standing by your side. I wouldn’t give up my aspirations for my partner because personal life can be maintained with dedication but the opportunity and platform you get might not knock on your door time and again while on a journey to establish career.
Pramod Rijal
I think partner’s decision is very important while making a career choice because the decision of one should not affect the job or aim of another. If the decisions that we make can harm career or jobs of our partner, s/he can’t be happy as it affects both. It is necessary to have partner’s support for my professional growth. I can’t say I would give up my aspiration for my personal life but I would compromise as far as possible and I would expect the same from my partner as well.