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MYTH BUSTERS: 5 Common Workplace Harassment (with video)

KATHMANDU, Nov 27:  Does workplace harassment only refer to physical touch?
By Bipana Thapa

KATHMANDU, Nov 27:  Does workplace harassment only refer to physical touch? No, argues Karuna Kunwar, a psychologist. She says that there are ample everyday behaviors that are commonly ignored at a workplace. Here, Kunwar busts five common but ignored workplace harassment myths and suggests three reasons why one should speak up.

In details:

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Sexual harassment at the workplace

Workplace harassment is any behavior directed towards a colleague that makes her/him uncomfortable at a workplace.  Harassment can be physical, psychological or sexual.

Physical harassment: Physical harassment involves physical attacks or threats, uncomfortable touch.   

Psychological harassment: Involves activities that lead to emotional or psychological stress or discomfort. Examples include frequent comments related to work, unnecessary engagement with colleagues in the disguise of evaluation or future growth, physical appearance and jokes or statements that make a person uncomfortable.

Sexual harassment: Includes uncomfortable staring or body postures and touch, (direct or implied) jokes, comments on physical appearance and sexual offers for “promotion”. It can also be any attempts to gain physical touch by seeking affection and care.

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