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Something you hate

Something you hate, wish not to come soon Something you want, wish to happen soon Something you desire, wish to get soon Something you fear, wish not to come true soon
By Moin Uddin

Something you hate, wish not to come soon

Something you want, wish to happen soon

Something you desire, wish to get soon

Something you fear, wish not to come true soon

And in all those hatred you get love

And in all those craving you get nothing

And in all those lust you get soul

And in all those terror you get hope

Life is a different thing

You wish to get it, it empties you

You wish to be empty, it fills you

You wish to be loved, it leaves you marooned

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You wish to shout, it comes to calm you

Life works in opposite direction

Though you seem one, you’re three

Body and your mind; and the next is you

They keep on fighting and the battle continues

Leaving the real you to face the brutal consequences

Neither you can support nor deny

Neither you can leave nor be with it

However tickling like a clock

And moving to its set direction

Making it a complete circle time and again is what it prefers

This is the path they say have set for us humans,

If one tries to change it,

The set pathway gets broken

Leaving not only your life in risk

But of those who are just ahead and behind of you

Though the ones who are ahead of you

Can feel the loss,

And they be fine with time in its own tradition

But those behind you

Might be taking you as a map

And following your set tracks.

And here you seem to change it

To the place unknown

And if you do it,

You might kill your ancestor’s legacy

And they not need to worry,

After all life moves in a different direction.

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